Pretty-Shiny Distractions and Whatnot

I love advanced thinger-magingers. The only thing separating me from splurging on pretty-shiny gadgets and software is money. Oh–and financial priorities. (Yay for college!)  But .. the thing about pretty-shiny thinger-magingers (PSTM for short, good grief) is that I’m fine with the old broke-down way until you find out a PSTM for that exists.

I was pretty ok with organizing my WIP notes in Word, but stumbled across praises of Scrivener, an enticing software program for organizing novels in progress by chapters, scenes, and whatnot (look it up at your own risk! It looks so good!). The Royal Bank of Rowan is going through some tough times, so I can’t spill $40+ on un-necessities. I’ve been eyeing another program–free–called yWriter. Aesthetics aside, it looks functional, so I guess I’ll try that out, hehe.

I didn’t realize what I was missing (apparently) until I read the features and reviews for these programs. I guess I’ll give yWriter a try. A little more convenience and organization won’t hurt …

[Flash forward 6 months: Rowan in fetal position on floor, laptop next to her. She mutters “Must. Get. More!’ over and over.]