One Day til N-Day

Stoked for NaNoWriMo!

  • Synopsis? Check.
  • Chapter, Plot, and Character Outlines? Check. (If you’re running late and in a bind, here’s some very helpful advice from writer, Janice Hardy)
  • Stopping Points for Novel? Check.
  • Strategic Calendar & Back-up Plan? Check. (I should be completing a chapter every three days, with 10 chapters to be completed for NaNo out of 20. Chaos Standard should be ~100k words, so I’ll be finishing NaNo in the middle.)
  • Writing buddies? Tons of ’em. Check.
  • Told family & friends that I’ll be busy for rest of year? Check.
  • Library floor picked for emergency writing purposes if roommates decide to parrrtay like elephants? Check.

Heh. If my break-neck plan works, I can use it to get some writing done any other month of the year.

If you’re participating in NaNo, good luck, and may your Muse treat you well these thirty days! (And if you’re a Muse, stock up on aspirin and chicken noodle soup. It’s gonna be a while.)

Also–I was given a Versatile Blogger Award by fellow writer, Elisa Michelle! More on this (and my pick of winners) shortly! Eep!