Pressure of Perfection

I’ve read some amazing speculative fiction since I first realized I had a preference. Most of them contained high-class, mapped-out, thick, juicy worldbuilding of which a worldbuilding fanatic (as myself) could envy. These authors also possessed distinct styles, chose just the right words for descriptions, designed astounding, engaging characters, and have been recognized by dozens upon dozens of awards.

The stakes are high out there (thankfully), and that’s a bit overwhelming for a newbie.

Obviously, Rome wasn’t built in a day.

At the end of my fall semester last year, I was at a somewhat-not-all “ok” point in my writing, at the completion of a creative writing course. Due to the rigor of the next semester (had to change gears since I was testing the waters of a totally different major–computer engineering), I had to put aside my writing for a while. As a result, my literary creative muscles contracted. I regret not giving some time to write little 50 word flash-fiction snippets to give them a boost now and then. That definitely would have made the situation I’m in a little more lighter.

Fortunately, things are picking up! In the last few days, I’ve had to switch from novel to short-story to novel to another short-story to adapt with the shifting creative brainstorm (thank God that there IS a creative brainstorm!). Even though it slows down the process of getting one of these done, I don’t think that it’s always possible for a person to complete a short-story in one sitting. Well, let me speak for myself–that’s the condition for me, but perhaps one could if they’re entirely satisfied with everything, including editing (but I don’t think so).

I can only shrug.

Anywhoo, I’m on Short-Story 1, whose title changed once again. I prefer East of West to Tempest and Marquess. The former has more of a memorable tang, in my opinion. I can’t really label this short story science-fiction or fantasy. Perhaps “science-fantasy” … Don’t know how anyone feels about that label. Purists may protest, but I think it suits my story just fine. A zest of my old major is involved in the science realm (more like scientific ideas–don’t know if these are even executable). Can’t wait to see how it turns out, since I’m in the midst of an idea explosion … and dilemma, since I have two conflicting versions of this story. Perhaps I’ll mush them together, hehe.