Balancing Two Worlds

I’ve often wondered about the part-time writer. Especially those who have sort of a full-blown, all-consuming twin career–say, doctor, lawyer, or engineer. Do they write after a hard day’s work, or is that reserved only for weekends? How do they nurture their second life–and maintain familial relationships and exercise AND remember to pay the bills (and taxes!)without losing sleep or hair (some favorite full-time authors have talked about the exercise issue … I have to maintain some sort of thing going since I so easily gain and lose weight, and am mostly sedentary)?

Some successful writers have assistants. That’s cool and all–when it comes to writing, I kind of like to handle the writing sphere by myself, but the extra help would not be shunned. (Of course, I’m nowhere near that stage, so that’s probably as distant as retirement and stuff like that.)

I wonder how social and love life plays into the mix. One day, I do want to get married and have kids (some writers are pretty well off in this sphere) …

Guess the “Almighty Schedule”, is the answer. Haha.