Microfic: Bite-Sized Stories with No Calories

Around 1 am, my great-great grandpa showed up on my doorstep, wielding an automatic crossbow and a grimace.

I want a normal life.


“I was human, once.”

“Well, then, what are you now?”



“Spell ‘anomaly’.”

“Anomaly. M-a-d-e-l-e-i-n-e. Anomaly.”


For the past three days, I’ve posted these lines on Twitter under #amwriting #microfic, partially inspired by a post on Wired (do check it out–famous authors’ six-word stories! So many good ones … ) and previous experiences with micro-fiction. I would’ve posted with the hashtag #sixwords, but alas, my word-counts were out of control. I wanted the flexibility!

I wanted a cool way to get quick literary exercise while waiting for class to start, taking a quick break from studying, waiting for the academic adviser, etc. Twitter’s 140-character limit was a nice challenge to undertake, too.

Perhaps this will be a daily thing. I may post each week’s progress on this blog on Mondays.

(The last two lines remind me of dialogue snippets from movie trailers, teehee!)

7 thoughts on “Microfic: Bite-Sized Stories with No Calories

    • It is!
      Yep, I just post it on Twitter (I may post my week results weekly on this blog just for kicks).
      Meh, not ready for that challenge level, yet, haha.

      Thinking of doing it? Do it, do it, do it! Meh–just kidding, don’t want it to be a chore, but if it tickles your fancy, feel free to join! If you wanna pass, no hard feelings here!

      • Well I realized my tumblr blog was the best place to do these microfic pieces and then just have tumblr auto-link them to Twitter. Fun and easy. =D

    • Thanks =D This may be easier than you think! You just have to limit your adjectives and descriptions and whatnot. It’s sort of a skeleton of a story or a mini observation that appears to be a puddle, but really is a sinkhole (leaves a lot of speculation without the sweat). Gah, hope that made sense, haha.

  1. Pingback: Microfic Compilation #1: Summon the Hellhounds « Elisa Michelle

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