About RNR

Rowan Nhaima Rhys* is an aspiring speculative-fiction writer and undergrad computer-science major, raised in the Caribbean, on an Island of a Thousand Seas. She now resides and studies in Florida, Land of Fiery Suns.

Her admiration for the fantasy genre was conceived at a young age. Love, however, drew breath after discovering J.R.R. Tolkien’s Lord of the Rings trilogy, and, well, she couldn’t get enough.

So she set out on a quest to engineer her own fantastic worlds (while trying to balance her own).

This blog, my friends, chronicles her literary journey, random musings, and misadventures, primarily revolving around Rhys’ main project, a Caribbean-inspired, epic-fantasy novel, Sentinel of Mirrors.

But don’t take this old wife’s word for it–it’s all in the lore!

Welcome to the Lalala of RNR.

(Liking that Rhys? She can also be found on Twitter as rowannhai.)



*Not to be confused with RowanRhys of Fanfiction.Net and LiveJournal!

4 thoughts on “About RNR

    • Caribbean-inspired, haha (the setting is in a fantasy world). Thanks, Joseph–and thanks for stopping by!

      Your post regarding the Wall Street Journal’s article on YA was very insightful.

  1. I adore steampunk and like the sound of your novel; good luck with it.

    I thought you might be amused to know that I used the screenname “RowanRhys” on Fanfiction.net when I was writing Harry Potter fanfiction back in the early 2000’s, and have it as one of my Livejournal handles since back then. *grin*

    I figured that I’d warn you about it, in case someone assumes you are me. I use a different penname now, but my old work is still up at FFN and Livejournal under “RowanRhys”.

    • Wow, haha! Of all the times I googled my name, I never saw your stuff (until I eliminated the space)! I’ll probably throw in my middle initial “N” to set our names apart … or the dreaded “two initials, last name” setup. I guess I’ll specify in my About Me section.

      Thanks for the warning and for stopping by! =)

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