First Week of NaNoWriMo


  • I think I wrote the words, “shrill scream”  way too many times in my draft so far. That and “unintelligible words”.
  • I want to punch my main character, Derrick.
  • I want my novel’s setting to be in a world of endless night and woods (somewhat of a tropical rainforest). NOT Medieval England. Why is my environment molding into Ye Olde England??
  • Where the heck are all my other characters? Am I scribe for Derrick’s Diary?
  • I’m loathing my plot right now. Where the heck is my Muse, anyway?
  • I probably should have written Sentinel of Mirrors, instead.


Let’s be real. (You can always count on me to deliver ;)).

I’m at 7,883 words in, 2k behind! This is Day 6. I’m about to take an emergency break today and realign my plot GPS and vertebrae before I go Rambo on this novel.

At first, I thought that I was the only one going through this, but turns out I buddied with the hardcore writers. Some of my buds are already at 20 and 30k! (These be British folks. What are you guys eating?)

After rummaging through the Forums, I found that quite a few folks were in my position.

*huddles in a corner*

My perfectionist side is getting the best of me. Must not relent to delete entire file! Must not relent to ninjas and unicorns!

(My apologies if this is filled with misspellings and whatnot. My mind’s about to go supernova!)

Peace out. Gonna oil some wheels and tighten some screws.


Hello, hello? Anyone out there in my shoes (or have any tips you’d like to share)?

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