A Drive like Dried Prunes

Confession: It’s been a while–two months, perhaps–since I’ve touched any of my WIPs or typed a word of fiction. According to some overly purist writers and their zealous rhetoric, I am NOT a writer, and I should be stripped of my hobby, flogged, and forced to commit ritual suicide.

(And my alter-ego flips their pseud0-bohemian backsides a well-earned birdie.)

While everyone and their mommas are super-excited about their work, I sorta feel like dried fruit.ย And like some bored couples, I guess, I don’t want to give up on a relationship because “juicy” isn’t there.

(My dry season is probably related to work, preparing for school, and perfectionist pressures of mine–which are probably related to my worldbuilding and outlining obsessions. And then I tend to compare myself to others. Bad, bad, bad.)

What’s a writer to do when the drive is gone? When pounding away on keys doesn’t work? When leisure/studious reading doesn’t jog the mind? When they’ve left fifty messages on some muse’s voice mail? When quitting isn’t an option?

(Maybe I’ll try to write a story from scratch with no preparations whatsoever.)

8 thoughts on “A Drive like Dried Prunes

  1. Haha, this post literally made me LoL.

    When I was in my last semester of school, I found it tough to find time to work on my story, as well. I wouldn’t really stress about it, though. Just write when you can, even if it’s only a little here and there. (I know I only got around to working on mine like once a week, heh. Sometimes less! I was an absolute slave to my school. -__- What you gotta do to keep A’s…)

    On the bright side, you are still writing; you’re just doing so on your blog. ๐Ÿ˜‰

    And OMG, I just realized I was in your state last week! :O Yeah, I just got back from a 5-day vacation in Tampa and I’m finding it hard to get back into the groove of editing and rewriting. It’s daunting because I know just how much work I still have left ahead of me. :/ (More than I’d like!)

    • It really is! Especially when you’ve have tons of assignments and you’re around people 24/7 when you live on campus.
      I’m trying to write in little bits of time here and there (I’m so glad I have my own room now so I can get some sort of seclusion!).

      Mm-hm! Figured the blog would somehow help with momentum, hehe.

      Florida! I remember reading that you went to Busch Gardens! That must have been reallyyy awesome (haven’t been there in years)! Did you ride Sheikra (sp)? You could use some of your adventures or emotional experiences to juice up your edits =P. I’m a hypocrite when I say this–the journey is greater than the destination. Keep it up and going strong =D

      Now to raise my drive up from the dead!

      • Yes! And the Cheetah Hunt! They were all pretty fun. ๐Ÿ™‚ (Wait, was Sheikra the one with the 90 degree drop? That one was crrrr-azy! I thought I would die, haha. Really, that drop was insane.)

        Oh man, I couldn’t live on campus. Too much going on there! That is nice that you have your own room, though, at least.

        LoL, I think I may need a jet-pack to get me through the rest of my journey, heh. It’s been a long time since I first started this project…

      • Yes! Never rode it before. It does look crrrr-azy! Half-way up, I’d probably chicken out, hahahaha!

        Meh, it isn’t so bad. If you have a hiding place!

        At least you’re getting through. You got through the first half, didn’t you? Giving up/giving in would be such a waste! Take your time and enjoy the ride =P

  2. But I guess my real answer to your question is to just keep writing anyway. ๐Ÿ˜› Be it on your blog, a story, or some journal you like to keep.

    At least it’s writing!

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