Avatar: The Legend of Korra. Commence Squealfest.

I am about to enter a new level of Squealdom. Look at that chick–I’m loving her already (and she’s actually a PoC that can kick some serious backside! *le gasp* More please. Like seriously)! So many awesome things coming out in 2012!




8 thoughts on “Avatar: The Legend of Korra. Commence Squealfest.

  1. The only thing running through my mind is this: omg, omg, omg, omg, lolololol.

    In short, you’ve decreased my brain functioning with this clip to a mere fantard’s basic logic. Congratulations, haha.

    So is this a prequel or a sequel? The statue looked like Aang, so I assumed sequel, but then why does it say “Legend of Korra”? So confused, so excited!

    • Same here! I was boiling over with excitement. Don’t hurt yourself, haha!

      What hearthesea said (if you haven’t read hers/his comment yet)! It’s sort of a sequel, but a separate story altogether.

  2. I just finished watching Avatar recently (such a great series) so I’m really looking forward to this.

    In response to the other comment — it takes place many years after the end of the first Avatar series, and Korra, the protagonist, is basically the next Avatar, making her Aang’s successor. From the look of the trailer and the basic info that has been released, she seems to have quite a different personality. I just wish it was coming out sooner…

    • I actually thought it was coming out in the fall of this year. I heard it’s only going to be about a dozen episodes or so. That’s disappointing …

  3. Heck yes! I loved The Last Airbender series, haha! Me an my lil’ sister watched all through one summer straight. It was epic.

    So excited for this one, considering how bad the movie did…

    Now, I’m going to go and share this bit of awesome epicness with my sis, heh.

    • I’m hoping that it flushes away all memories of that crappy movie! I read somewhere that it’s actually called “The Last Airbender: The Legend of Korra”. Argh, I really hope it isn’t!

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