The Mindboggling World of Children’s TV

I’ve ranted with friends and family over and over about how TV sucks nowadays. We’ve had those “Don’t You Miss 90s TV” nostalgic whine and cheese parties so many times, I think my head’ll explode.

Not going to rant today–I’m rather apathetic. That’s for another day.

Just wanted to bring your attention to a the pilot of a kid’s show I happened to stumble across today while breaking from East of West.

In my opinion, it seems like a rather interesting show. Has this “psychedelic 70s steampunk vibe” to it, and the characters and animation look great! I’d watch it if I could haul my apathetic self to the TV (Just kidding–I watched some TV today! It was a cancelled show. Hmm). Sigh.

Then again, I’m fresh out of childhood (I still watch cartoons, though!) .  Like I mentioned before (in a previous musing on young readers and children’s/YA lit–Readers vs. Writers, Reviewers, Publishers, etc.), do children sample these things, or are adult execs making all the decisions as to what is entertaining for kids?

Don’t kill me or seek to destroy my [not-quite-launched] writing career! Just a thought, is all.

And another thought–does art imitate life or life imitate art? Do kids like shows because they’re the only things to watch on the tube, or do these shows tickle their imagination? Ah well, there’s always books!

By the way, I absolutely love Avatar: The Last Airbender **The Animated Series**. (All sorts of adults watch cartoons, too!)

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